Friday 23 October 2020

WiFi Audio | Windows and Linux


Wi - Fi Audio | Download


Windows Tool

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Sunday 27 September 2020

Best Java IDE for Ubuntu 20.04 - Eclipse


Best Java IDE for UBUNTU 20.04 (Latest Version)

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Sunday 13 September 2020

Ubuntu Operating System


Ubuntu Operating System

Ubuntu is a Linux distribution based on Debian mostly composed of free and open-source software. Many application developers are using Ubuntu, because you can customize ubuntu easily. There are many commercial and non-commercial tools are available in Ubuntu OS for software developers such as Android Studio, Sublime, Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, etc... 

Ubuntu (pronounced oo-BOON-too) is an open source Debian-based Linux distribution. Sponsored by Canonical Ltd., Ubuntu is considered a good distribution for beginners. The operating system was intended primarily for personal computers (PCs) but it can also be used on servers.

Ubuntu is having the better user Interface. Security point of view Ubuntu is very safe because of its less useful. Font family in Ubuntu is very much better in comparison of windows. It has a centralized software Repository from where we can download the all required software from that.

Ubuntu 20.04 - Latest Version

The latest Ubuntu Distribution is 20.04. But if you need to use 20.04 version, you must install snap-store too. Because you cannot install some essential tools without Snap Store. Open terminal and just type as "sudo snap install snap-store" and press Enter.

Snap Store - Ubuntu

You can download Ubuntu through above link... See you in next episode... Thank You!

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Tuesday 21 April 2020

Visit to Kali Linux Page to Learn More

Learn Kali Linux with My Linux Fact - 2020

You can learn more about Kali Linux through our Kali Linux Page. In this post, I will introduce about Kali Linux for beginners.

Actually, Kali Linux is the playland of Hackers. There are many tools in kali linux to make easier this task. Also, it has a professional GUI (Graphical User Interface). The developer of Kali Linux is Offensive Security. In 13 th march 2013, Kali Linux has been officially launched.

There is a monolithic kernel in Kali Linux. You can also browse Kali Linux Official Web Page too for more introductions. But if you like to learn about Kali Linux with us, just simply Click Here

Kali Linux - Introduction

Kali Linux is a most powerful operating system distribution in Ethical Hacking. But you must be honest while you are learning ethical hacking. Kali Linux is just a tool. It is illegal when you use a tool for hacking and not when you install it for useful purposes like learning or teaching or using it in the way to fortify your software or your network. It is not illegal to install any Operating System which is available for download and is properly licensed.

Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing. Kali contains several hundred tools which are geared towards various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security research, Computer Forensics and Reverse Engineering.

Kali Linux is used by hackers because it is a free OS and has over 600 tools for penetration testing and security analytics. Kali has multi-language support that allows users to operate in their native language. Kali Linux is completely customizable according to their comfort all the way down t the kernel.

Nothing on the project's website suggests it is a good distribution for beginners or, in fact, anyone other than security researches. In fact, the Kali website specifically warns people about its nature.  Kali Linux is good at what it does: acting as a platform for up to date security utilities.

The name Kali Linux, stems from the Hindu religion. The name Kali comes from kāla, which means black, time, death, lord of death, Shiva. Since Shiva is called Kāla—the eternal time—KālÄ«, his consort, also means “Time” or “Death” (as in time has come). Hence, Kāli is the Goddess of Time and Change.
Stay tuned with us to learn more!
Thank You! See you guys in next tutorial

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Windows Vs Linux

Windows Vs Linux

First, I must describe about these two Operating Systems. See below table to understand better...



1) Commercial Purpose 1) Non-Commercial Purpose
2) For Selling 2) Free
3) Commercial Software 3) Free and Open Source Software
4) Not- Secured 4) Secured
5) User Friendly 5) Semi User Friendly
 6) High Hardware Cost 6) Low Hardware Cost
7) Slow Internet Speed 7) Fast Internet Speed
8) Windows will handle us 8) We will handle linux

Actually, Windows is a great operating system for beginners. If you are a Graphic Designer or a Video Editor, Windows is the best platform to fulfil your task. There are many Free, FOSS and Commercial-ware are supporting with Windows operating system. But we haven't any freedom to access source files in Windows. We must respect to the policies of Microsoft Corporation and we must follow them.

But Linux is the best operating system ever for Hackers, Programmers, Web Developers, Software Engineers, Networking Engineers as well as there are many kind of alternative softwares in Linux instead of softwares in Windows.

  • Adobe Premiere  → LightWorks
  • Adobe Photoshop → GIMP 
  • Adobe Illustrator → Inkscape
  • Adobe After Effect → Natron
  • Auto CAD → OpenSCAD
  • 3Ds MAX → Blender
  • Microsoft Office → Libre Office
We are able to install a software by clicking .exe file in Windows, but it's difficult to install a software into linux OS more than Windows. If you like computer programming, then it's not a huge problem.

Windows has only one distribution with more editions and more upgrades, but linux has many distributions with more editions and upgrades. As an example, Linux Mint, Fedora, Ubuntu, CestOS, Kali Linux are linux distributions.

I will give you some example. You have a software in Windows to install called Example.exe and Example.deb for Linux too. Now you can install this Windows software simply by clicking on Example.exe. But, you must need below code to install Exmaple.deb into linux.

sudo dpkg -i Example.deb

So, these are the basic differences between Linux and Windows. Actually, If you like to drive manual vehicles, then linux is the best vehicle because, Windows is an automatic hybrid vehicle :)

- Note:- Kasun Madhusanka Jayasinghe - 
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Friday 17 April 2020

WOE USB Software | Windows 10 Bootable Drive Maker

How to create usb bootable drive in linux?

WOE USB Software

No matter... Now you can make a Windows 10 USB bootable drive using this software very easily on linux... 

I explain you, how to do this. If it's boring to read articles, then watch following video. 

First, you must have an USB drive more than 8 GB and aslo you must have Windows 10 ISO file too. Then, download suitable files by matching your PC's architecture mode (64 bit / 32 bit).

64 bit Download

32 bit Download

Then go to the location where did you download above .deb file using Terminal. Open terminal (Shortcut:- Ctrl + Alt + T) and type "cd Downloads/" (i.e - This is my location).

After that, you are able to install this debian (.deb) file using below command.

sudo dpkg -i "*.deb"

* - Name of Your File. 

Just watch above video. It will helps you lot.

Thank You!
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